Areas of expertise

Our main areas of expertise are listed below.
For other specialties we can recommend competent colleagues.

Preventive dentistry

Preventive and therapeutic measures to maintain healthy teeth and gums. We provide patients with knowledge about efficient and responsible preventive dental care, which in turn, helps to prevent diseases such as caries, periodontitis plus reducing wear by erosion and attrition. We help you to clean your teeth efficiently in your daily care routine.

Dental hygiene

Professional teeth cleaning using special instruments to maintain the health of teeth, gums and bones, or treatment of gum disease (gingivitis) and periodontal disease (periodontitis).


Treatment of infections or inflammations of the gums and tooth-retaining bone, functional and/or aesthetic gum corrections (e.g. recession coverings).


Replacement of missing teeth with the help of dental implants and related bone and gum reconstructions, as well as prosthetic reconstructions (implant-anchored crowns, bridges or dentures).

Reconstructive dentistry and prosthodontics

Restoration of tooth shape and chewing function using (partial) crowns, bridges, adhesive bridges, ceramic veneers and dentures.

Conservative dentistry

Filling of tooth defects with fillings or partial crowns made of acrylic or ceramic, minimally invasive reconstructions.

Computer-assisted digital dentistry

Dental impressions via optical scanner, computer-manufactured fillings and (partial) crowns, computer-assisted X-ray imaging, treatment planning and implantology.


Root canal treatments using a dental microscope and related treatments, such as root tip resections. Find out more at

Aesthetic / cosmetic dentistry

Improvements in tooth shape, color etc., gum corrections.